
The story revolves around a villager called Pharsua, who is the first to enrol for Aadhaar card in his village but due to a premonition concerning his wife’s health by the village priest sets on an uphill task of getting his number...

The story revolves around a villager called Pharsua, who is the first to enrol for Aadhaar card in his village but due to a premonition concerning his wife’s health by the village priest sets on an uphill task of getting his number...

Director: Suman Ghosh
Writer: Suman Ghosh / Suman Ghosh / Amitosh Nagpal
Stars: Vineet Kumar Singh / Saurabh Shukla / Raghuvir Yadav / Sanjay Mishra / Prithvi Hatte
Genre: Drama
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