Ang Mga Damgo Wala Gintuga Sang Kahanginan (Dreams Aren't Made by the Wind)

A plague afflicts his town and an adult Jarden narrates his memories of the past when he and his playmates were still children, enjoying the enchantments of the seas, and sharing their dreams with another. Until one windy afternoon changed...

A plague afflicts his town and an adult Jarden narrates his memories of the past when he and his playmates were still children, enjoying the enchantments of the seas, and sharing their dreams with another. Until one windy afternoon changed...

Director: Elvert Bañares
Writer: Elvert Bañares
Stars: Arrabela Grace Delfin / Dana Angelica Galfo / Jun Carlos Gumacal / Joemel Ian Magallanes / Fiona Desiree Panes
Genre: Short / Fantasy
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