
Leth directed one of the six parts of this film anthology initiated by Werner Pedersen, the head of SFC [Statens Film Central, the National Film Board of Denmark, later amalgamated into the DFI]. Bjørn Nørgaard and Lene Adler Petersen’s...

Leth directed one of the six parts of this film anthology initiated by Werner Pedersen, the head of SFC [Statens Film Central, the National Film Board of Denmark, later amalgamated into the DFI]. Bjørn Nørgaard and Lene Adler Petersen’s...

Director: Ole John / Allan De Waal / Per Kirkeby
Writer: Allan De Waal / Ole John / Per Kirkeby
Stars: Lene Adler Petersen / Bjørn Nørgaard / Vagn Lundbye / Jørgen Leth
Genre: n/A
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