Gamera the Brave

In 1973, Gamera sacrifices his life to rid the world of the Gyaos once and for all. Thirty-three years later, a small boy, whose father witnessed the 1973 event, named Toru finds a mysterious egg. From it, hatches a small Turtle. Toru and...

In 1973, Gamera sacrifices his life to rid the world of the Gyaos once and for all. Thirty-three years later, a small boy, whose father witnessed the 1973 event, named Toru finds a mysterious egg. From it, hatches a small Turtle. Toru and...

Director: Ryuta Tasaki
Writer: Yukari Tatsui
Stars: Ryô Tomioka / Kaho / Shingo Ishikawa / Shogo Narita / Kanji Tsuda
Genre: Action / Adventure / Family / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
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