Guru Dakshina

The story revolves around, Jayanta, who hails from a poor family. He was brought up by his Musician teacher a village musician and widowed sister in law. Tapas’s brilliant voice earns him accolades and lands him in Kolkata City, where he...

The story revolves around, Jayanta, who hails from a poor family. He was brought up by his Musician teacher a village musician and widowed sister in law. Tapas’s brilliant voice earns him accolades and lands him in Kolkata City, where he...

Director: Anjan Choudhury
Writer: Anjan Choudhury / Anjan Choudhury / Bhabesh Kundu
Stars: Ranjit Mallick / Tapas Pal / Kali Bannerjee / Satabdi Roy / Shakuntala Barua
Genre: Romance
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