Toru Nishikawa is a university student. One day, he picks up a gun on the riverside and takes the gun home. He is excited and thrilled by having the gun. Toru is attracted to Yuko Yoshikawa who attends the same the university. A detective...

Toru Nishikawa is a university student. One day, he picks up a gun on the riverside and takes the gun home. He is excited and thrilled by having the gun. Toru is attracted to Yuko Yoshikawa who attends the same the university. A detective...

Director: Masaharu Take
Writer: Hideki Shishido / Masaharu Take
Stars: Lily Franky / Janryu Fujiwara / Junpei Gotô / Kyoko Hinami / Alice Hirose
Genre: Crime / Drama
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