Kamen Raidâ × Supâ Sentai: Supâ Hîrô Taisen

Kamen Rider is teaming up with Super Sentai for the ultimate superhero collaboration in Super Hero Taisen, a crossover film that finally brings the two franchises together. In addition to characters from the Kamen Rider Decade and Kaizoku...

Kamen Rider is teaming up with Super Sentai for the ultimate superhero collaboration in Super Hero Taisen, a crossover film that finally brings the two franchises together. In addition to characters from the Kamen Rider Decade and Kaizoku...

Director: Osamu Kaneda
Writer: Shotaro Ishinomori / Shôji Yonemura
Stars: Masahiro Inoue / Kimito Totani / Tatsuhito Okuda / Shu Watanabe / Riho Takada
Genre: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
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