Karas: The Revelation

Picking up where the previous film (The Prophecy) left off, Otoha, the new Karas seeks to claim vengeance against the Yakuza that murdered his younger sibling and who left him for dead. Meanwhile the old Karas, Eko, prepares to unleash his...

Picking up where the previous film (The Prophecy) left off, Otoha, the new Karas seeks to claim vengeance against the Yakuza that murdered his younger sibling and who left him for dead. Meanwhile the old Karas, Eko, prepares to unleash his...

Director: Kei'ichi Sato
Writer: Shin Yoshida
Stars: Sôkô Wada / Takahiro Sakurai / Johnny Yong Bosch / Dorothy Elias-Fahn / Sandy Fox
Genre: Animation / Action / Fantasy
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