Kilink soy ve öldür

The 3rd of the long Kilink series picks up exactly where the 2nd film (KILINK UCAN ADAMA KARSI) left off. This time Kilink is between 2 rival gangs and manages to turn one against the other. All of them are after a precious microfilm and a...

The 3rd of the long Kilink series picks up exactly where the 2nd film (KILINK UCAN ADAMA KARSI) left off. This time Kilink is between 2 rival gangs and manages to turn one against the other. All of them are after a precious microfilm and a...

Director: Yilmaz Atadeniz
Writer: Yilmaz Atadeniz
Stars: Yildirim Gencer / Suzan Avci / Reha Yurdakul / Devlet Devrim / Cahit Irgat
Genre: Adventure / Crime / Fantasy
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