M.D. Geist

In the distant future, mankind has colonized other planets in the universe. While many planets lived in peace, the planet Jerra has been ravaged by decades of war. Geist is an M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier), an enhanced human with...

In the distant future, mankind has colonized other planets in the universe. While many planets lived in peace, the planet Jerra has been ravaged by decades of war. Geist is an M.D.S. (Most Dangerous Soldier), an enhanced human with...

Director: Hayato Ikeda / Kôichi Ôhata
Writer: Riku Sanjyo / Kôichi Ôhata
Stars: Jason Beck / Joan Baker / Dave Couch / Kip Kaplan / Barry Papick
Genre: Animation / Action / Sci-Fi
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