Nandini Oppol

Nandini Oppol is a 1994 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Mohan Kupplery and produced by Joe Mon. The film stars Nedumudi Venu, Geetha, Siddique and Sunitha in lead roles. The film had musical score by Ouseppachan. The story revolves...

Nandini Oppol is a 1994 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Mohan Kupplery and produced by Joe Mon. The film stars Nedumudi Venu, Geetha, Siddique and Sunitha in lead roles. The film had musical score by Ouseppachan. The story revolves...

Director: Mohan Kuplari
Writer: Govardhan / Sudhakar Mangalodayam
Stars: Geetha / Johny / Kanakalatha / Ganesh Kumar / T.R. Omana
Genre: n/A
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