O Menino da Porteira

1950s. At the village of Rio Bonito, cowboy Diogo leads a horde of oxen to the Ouro Fino Ranch. When passing by the Remanso Farm, he meets Rodrigo, a boy who dreams of becoming a cowboy. Soon they become friends and witnesses of the wrong...

1950s. At the village of Rio Bonito, cowboy Diogo leads a horde of oxen to the Ouro Fino Ranch. When passing by the Remanso Farm, he meets Rodrigo, a boy who dreams of becoming a cowboy. Soon they become friends and witnesses of the wrong...

Director: Jeremias Moreira Filho
Writer: Jeremias Moreira Filho / Carlos Nascimbeni
Stars: Daniel / Vanessa Giácomo / José de Abreu / Jottapê Carvalho / Rosi Campos
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Western
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