Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai The Movie

In Fujisawa, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima, are interrupted with the appearance of his first...

In Fujisawa, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima, are interrupted with the appearance of his first...

Director: Sôichi Masui
Writer: Kamoshida Hajime / Masahiro Yokotani
Stars: Kaito Ishikawa / Asami Seto / Inori Minase / Nao Tôyama / Atsumi Tanezaki
Genre: Animation / Drama / Family / Fantasy / Mystery / Romance
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