Robby the Rascal

In this Japanese anime series, we follow a cute (if rather dysfunctional and hyperactive) robot and his many adventures with his robot and children pals. Meanwhile, the diabolical megalomaniac robot inventor Highbrow wants to take...

In this Japanese anime series, we follow a cute (if rather dysfunctional and hyperactive) robot and his many adventures with his robot and children pals. Meanwhile, the diabolical megalomaniac robot inventor Highbrow wants to take...

Director: n/A
Writer: Ken Ishikawa / Toyohiro Andô / Toyohiro Andô
Stars: Natsumi Sakuma / Hiroshi Masuoka / Yôko Kawanami / Eiko Yamada / Ken'ichi Ogata
Genre: Animation / Family / Sci-Fi / Comedy
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