Shounen Keniya

This cartoon, based on a popular manga (Japanese-style comic), centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful...

This cartoon, based on a popular manga (Japanese-style comic), centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful...

Director: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi / Tetsuo Imazawa
Writer: Chiho Katsura / Wataru Kenmochi / Makoto Naitô
Stars: Ryôichi Takayanagi / Makio Inoue / Eiko Masuyama / Masao Ohtsuka / Hidekatsu Shibata
Genre: Animation / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
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