The Cunning Little Vixen

An adaptation of Leos Janacek’s opera Prihody Lisky Bystrousky (1925), based on the novel Liska Bystrouska by Rudolf Tesnohlidek. It follows the life of Sharp-Ears, a fox who is captured by a forester as a cub and raised in his home prior...

An adaptation of Leos Janacek’s opera Prihody Lisky Bystrousky (1925), based on the novel Liska Bystrouska by Rudolf Tesnohlidek. It follows the life of Sharp-Ears, a fox who is captured by a forester as a cub and raised in his home prior...

Director: Geoff Dunbar
Writer: Leos Janácek / David Pountney / Rudolf Tesnohlídek
Stars: Christine Buffle / Grant Doyle / Richard Coxon / Keel Watson / Peter Van Hulle
Genre: Animation
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