
Set in Warsaw in 1930’s. After six years in jail, framed for bank robbery by an accomplice, the legendary Kwinto has only revenge on his mind. He is a safecracker in the old style, a thief with a sense of pride and loyalty. Upon leaving...

Set in Warsaw in 1930’s. After six years in jail, framed for bank robbery by an accomplice, the legendary Kwinto has only revenge on his mind. He is a safecracker in the old style, a thief with a sense of pride and loyalty. Upon leaving...

Director: Juliusz Machulski
Writer: Juliusz Machulski
Stars: Jan Machulski / Leonard Pietraszak / Witold Pyrkosz / Ewa Szykulska / Krzysztof Kiersznowski
Genre: Comedy / Crime
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