Watch Dogs: Legion

In the near future London is facing its downfall - unless you do something about it. Build a resistance and fight the opportunists who have seized power. But sit down and have a cup of tea first. After all, you’re not a bloody monster.

In the near future London is facing its downfall - unless you do something about it. Build a resistance and fight the opportunists who have seized power. But sit down and have a cup of tea first. After all, you’re not a bloody monster.

Director: Clint Hocking / Kent Hudson
Writer: Liz Albl / Radu-Dumitru Barbosa / Braydon Beaulieu
Stars: Esh Alladi / Warren Brown / Rosemary Dunsmore / Mazin Elsadig / Olivia Grant
Genre: Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller
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